Prof. P. Vethamony has been serving as Research Professor and Team Leader at the Environmental Science Center, QU since March 2018; also as UNESCO Chair-holder in Marine Sciences at Qatar University, the first UNESCO Chair awarded to Qatar University. He is a Member of Graduate Faculty with Supervisory Status to teach graduate level courses, supervise graduate students and serve on thesis/dissertation committees. He was awarded PhD in Coastal Engineering by the Indian Institute of Technology (IIT), Bombay in 1990. He worked as a Scientist at the National Institute of Oceanography (NIO), Goa, India (1982-2017) on different grades and reached the position of Chief Scientist. He also served as AcSIR Professor (NIO, Goa), Visiting Professor (IIT Kharagpur, India) and Adjunct Professor (IIT Bombay, India) during 2005 to 2017.
Prof. Mony is specialized in physical oceanography, coastal engineering, coastal processes, marine pollution, marine modelling, satellite oceanography, pollutant transport, sediment transport, oil spill and microplastics. He has carried out approximately 22 large scale R&D Projects and 155 Contract Research Projects for various Govt. agencies and industries. He has published about 145 scientific papers in peer-reviewed journals and books, 105 conference proceedings/abstracts, 9 Technical Reports and 159 Project Reports. Prof. mony supervised 10 PhD students and 23 Masters students; Examiner for a number of PhD theses from Universities around the world; Taught a wide range of subjects in Oceanography and Coastal engineering to Masters and PhD students; Given more than 40 Invited Talks. Prof. Mony is a member, Editorial Advisory Board of ISH Journal of Hydraulic Engineering, published by Taylor and Francis, UK (2010- continuing), and Topic Editor for “Challenges in Characterizing Nano- to Macro-Plastics and Adhered Substances in the Aquatic Environment’’ - Special Issue in the Frontiers in Environmental Science (2021-2022), Switzerland.