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    1. Zaidan, E., Abulibdeh, A., Jabbar, R., Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., (2024), Evaluating the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on the geospatial distribution of buildings' carbon footprints associated with electricity consumption, Energy Strategy Reviews 10.1016/j.esr.2024.101350
    2. Al-Khatib, M., Haji, M., Haouari, M., Kharbeche, M., (2024), Building resilience in the infant formula milk supply chain, Food Control 10.1016/j.foodcont.2024.110641
    3. Muley, D., Singh, B., (2024), Environmental impacts of COVID–19 responses on passenger vehicle transport scenarios: A life cycle approach, Journal of Cleaner Production 10.1016/j.jclepro.2024.142309
    4. Mandouri, J., Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Sen, B., (2024), Trilemma of life cycle carbon, employment, and costs of trucking industry's shift toward automation and electrification, Journal of Industrial Ecology 10.1111/jiec.13516
    5. Mamo, W.G., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Dirix, H., Brijs, K., Brijs, T., Soliman, A., Makondo, R., Sayed, H., El Tahir, M., Alabdulla, M., Cox, D.J., Ross, V., (2024), Enhancing the learning-to-drive process for autistic learners in Qatar, Case Studies on Transport Policy 10.1016/j.cstp.2024.101209
    6. Haq, M.F.U., Iryo-Asano, M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., (2024), Modeling the Pedestrian Crossing Decision Behavior Based on Vehicle Deceleration Patterns Using Virtual Reality Environment, International Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems Research 10.1007/s13177-024-00393-5
    7. Almallah, M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Dias, C., (2024), Safety assessment of on-road cycling lanes: A comparative study of different layouts using driving simulator, Accident Analysis and Prevention 10.1016/j.aap.2023.107431
    8. Mamo, W. G., Alhajyaseen, W. K., Brijs, K., Dirix, H., Vanroelen, G., Hussain, Q., ... & Ross, V. (2024). The impact of cognitive load on a lane change task (LCT) among male autistic individuals: A driving simulator study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour.
    1. Nishiuchi, H., Dias, C., Kawato, S., (2023), Empirical evaluation of change in crash risk due to lane marking reallocation: A case study in Kochi City, Japan, IATSS Research 10.1016/j.iatssr.2023.12.001
    2. AlKhereibi, A.H., Wakjira, T.G., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., (2023), Predictive Machine Learning Algorithms for Metro Ridership Based on Urban Land Use Policies in Support of Transit-Oriented Development, Sustainability (Switzerland) 10.3390/su15021718
    3. Al Sholi, H.Y., Wakjira, T., Kutty, A.A., Habib, S., Alfadhli, M., Aejas, B., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Kim, D., (2023), How circular economy can reduce scope 3 carbon footprints: Lessons learned from FIFA world cup Qatar 2022, Circular Economy, 1 10.1016/j.cec.2023.100026
    4. Muley, D., Kharbeche, M., Al-Khalifa, K.N., (2023), An assessment of Qatari school students’ perspective towards using sustainable modes of transport to school, Case Studies on Transport Policy, - 10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101063
    5. Ghanim, M.S., Muley, D., Kianmehr, P., Kharbeche, M., (2023), Statewide assessment of air quality changes in Florida during the COVID-19 pandemic, Results in Engineering, - 10.1016/j.rineng.2023.101622
    6. Nishiuchi, H., Nishimura, K., Ngoc, A.M., Dias, C., (2023), Identifying the relationship between intention to use flat-rate public transport and trip frequency by a discrete-continuous model, Public Transport, - 10.1007/s12469-023-00341-8
    7. AL-Dosari, K., Deif, A.M., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N., Fetais, N., (2023), Security Supply Chain Using UAVs: Validation and Development of a UAV-Based Model for Qatar’s Mega Sporting Events, Drones, 9 10.3390/drones7090555
    8. Al Bargi, W.A., Daniel, B.D., Khalifa, N.A., Rohani, M.M., Hussain, Q., Hamdan, R.B., (2023), Modelling the utilization rates of pedestrian crosswalks, Heliyon, 9 10.1016/j.heliyon.2023.e19310
    9. Onat, N.C., Mandouri, J., Kucukvar, M., Sen, B., Abbasi, S.A., Alhajyaseen, W., Kutty, A.A., Jabbar, R., Contestabile, M., Hamouda, A.M., (2023), Rebound effects undermine carbon footprint reduction potential of autonomous electric vehicles, Nature Communications, 1 10.1038/s41467-023-41992-2
    10. Rafi, M.M., Ahmed, S., Lovreglio, R., Dias, C., (2023), Investigating a university library building evacuation in Pakistan during a semi-announced fire drill, Fire and Materials, 5 10.1002/fam.3111
    11. Abdullah, M., Ali, N., Javid, M.A., Aslam, M.W., Dias, C., (2023), Signal-Free Corridor Development and Their Impact on Pedestrians: Insights from Expert and Public Surveys, Sustainability (Switzerland), 19 10.3390/su151914480
    12. Dvorak, T., Meeks, S., Dvorak, L., Rineer, J., Kelly, P., Ramakrishna, N., Henig, T., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Tatari, O., Shah, A., Salazar, J., Zeidan, O.(2023)Evaluating Carbon Footprint of Proton Therapy Based on Power Consumption and Possible Mitigation Strategies,International Journal of Radiation Oncology Biology Physics,117 10.1016/j.ijrobp.2023.05.022
    13. Mohammad, A.A., Al Nawaiseh, H.M., Alhajyaseen, W.K., Dias, C., Mehran, B.(2023)Lane-based analysis of the saturation flow rate considering traffic composition,Transportation Planning and Technology,46 10.1080/03081060.2023.2214144
    14. Muley, D.(2023)Investigation of factors affecting turn signal usage at modern roundabouts in State of Qatar,Urban, Planning and Transport Research,11 10.1080/21650020.2023.2234974
    15. Albool, I., Ashqar, H.I., Elhenawy, M., Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W., Rakha, H., Stohy, A.(2023)Fuel consumption at signalized intersections: Investigating the impact of different signal indication settings,Case Studies on Transport Policy,13 10.1016/j.cstp.2023.101022
    16. Dirix, H., Ross, V., Brijs, K., Bertels, L., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Wets, G., Spooren, A.(2023)Autism-friendly public bus transport: A personal experience–based perspective,Autism,27 10.1177/13623613221132106
    17. Dias, C., Abdullah, M., Hussain, Q., Salehi, A.M., Nishiuchi, H.(2023)Exploring Microscopic Characteristics of Bicycle Riders’ following Behaviors in a Single-File Movement,Applied Sciences (Switzerland),13 10.3390/app13116539
    18. Kutty, A.A., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Ayvaz, B., Abdella, G.M.(2023).Measuring sustainability, resilience and livability performance of European smart cities: A novel fuzzy expert-based multi-criteria decision support model. Cities,137 10.1016/j.cities.2023.104293
    19. Hussain, Z., Hussain, Q., Soliman, A., Mohammed, S., Mamo, W.G., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2023).Aberrant driving behaviors as mediators in the relationship between driving anger patterns and crashes among taxi drivers: An investigation in a complex cultural context. Traffic Injury Prevention 10.1080/15389588.2023.2199898
    20. Al-Abdelmalek, N., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Fares, E., Ayad, H., Bulak, M.E., Ekren, B.Y., Kazancoglu, Y., Ertogral, K. (2023).Transforming Challenges into Opportunities for Qatar’s Food Industry: Self-Sufficiency, Sustainability, and Global Food Trade Diversification. Sustainability (Switzerland),15(7) 10.3390/su15075755
    21. Mohammed, S., Alkhereibi, A.H., Abulibdeh, A., Jawarneh, R.N., Balakrishnan, P. (2023).GIS-based spatiotemporal analysis for road traffic crashes; in support of sustainable transportation Planning. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,20 10.1016/j.trip.2023.100836
    22. Dhibi, M., Alhajyaseen, W., Alinier, N.(2023).Safety and security perceptions in informal transport: the case of Tunisia. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,30(1) 45-56 10.1080/17457300.2022.2109679
    23. Khanfar, N.O., Elhenawy, M., Ashqar, H.I., Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2023).Driving behavior classification at signalized intersections using vehicle kinematics: Application of unsupervised machine learning. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,30(1) 34-44 10.1080/17457300.2022.2103573
    24. Alhomaidat, F., Hasan, R.A., Hanandeh, S., Alhajyaseen, W.A. (2023).Using driving simulator to study the effect of crash fact signs on speeding behaviour along freeways. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,30(1) 15-25 10.1080/17457300.2022.2097698
    25. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Hussain, Q. (2023).The impact of rural expressway environments: drivers’ attention allocation to variable message signs. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,30(1) 57-67 10.1080/17457300.2022.2109680
    26. AlHamad, S., Almallah, M., Naser, M.N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., de Roos, M. (2023).Examining the role of road safety audits worldwide: exploring road safety expert’s opinions. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,30(1) 106-115 10.1080/17457300.2022.2114090
    27. Almukdad, A., Muley, D., Alfahel, R., Alkadour, F., Ismail, R., & Alhajyaseen, W. K. M. (2023). Assessment of different pedestrian communication strategies for improving driver behavior at marked crosswalks on free channelized right turns. Journal of Safety Research, 84, 232-242. doi:10.1016/j.jsr.2022.10.023
    28. Elagouz, N., Onat, N. C., Kucukvar, M., Ayvaz, B., Kutty, A. A., & Osman Kusakci, A. (2023). Integrated modelling for sustainability assessment and decision making of alternative fuel buses. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment, 117 doi:10.1016/j.trd.2023.103656
    29. Masoud, M., Elhenawy, M., Liu, S.Q., Almannaa, M., Glaser, S., Alhajyaseen, W.(2023).A Simulated Annealing for Optimizing Assignment of E-Scooters to Freelance Chargers. Sustainability (Switzerland),15(3)
    30. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Kharbeche, M., Almallah, M.(2023).Safer pedestrian crossing facilities on low-speed roads: Comparison of innovative treatments. Accident Analysis and Prevention,180
    1. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Pirdavani, A., Ross, V., Hussain, Q., Brijs, K.(2022).Delay or travel time information? The impact of advanced traveler information systems on drivers’ behavior before freeway work zones. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,87454-476 
    2. Kutty, A.A., Kucukvar, M., Abdella, G.M., Bulak, M.E., Onat, N.C.(2022).Sustainability Performance of European Smart Cities: A Novel DEA Approach with Double Frontiers. Sustainable Cities and Society,81 
    3. Zhu, H., Alhajyaseen, W., Iryo-Asano, M., Nakamura, H., Dias, C.(2022).Defensive or competitive Autonomous Vehicles: Which one interacts safely and efficiently with pedestrians?. Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications,606 
    4. SayedMohammed, S., Verma, A., Dias, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Almukdad, A., Aghabayk, K.(2022).Crowd Evacuation through Crossing Configurations: Effect of Crossing Angles and Walking Speeds on Speed Variation and Evacuation Time. Sustainability (Switzerland),14(22)
    5. Hussain, Q., Dias, C., Al-Shahrani, A., Hussain, I.(2022).Safety Analysis of Merging Vehicles Based on the Speed Difference between on-Ramp and Following Mainstream Vehicles Using NGSIM Data. Sustainability (Switzerland),14(24)
    6. Aboushaqrah, N.N.M., Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Hamouda, A.M.S., Kusakci, A.O., Ayvaz, B.(2022).Selection of alternative fuel taxis: a hybridized approach of life cycle sustainability assessment and multi-criteria decision making with neutrosophic sets. International Journal of Sustainable Transportation,16(9) 833-846
    7. Rafi, M.M., Ahmed, S., Lovreglio, R., Dias, C.(2022).Investigating a university library building evacuation in Pakistan during a semi-announced fire drill. Fire and Materials,
    8. Al-Yafei, H., AlNouss, A., Aseel, S., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Al-Ansari, T.(2022).How sustainable is liquefied natural gas supply chain? An integrated life cycle sustainability assessment model. Energy Conversion and Management: X,15
    9. Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Kutty, A.A., Adella, G.M., Bulak, M.E., Ansari, F., Kumbaroglu, G.(2022).Environmental efficiency of electric vehicles in Europe under various electricity production mix scenarios. Journal of Cleaner Production,335
    10. El-Hafez, O.J., ElMekkawy, T.Y., Kharbeche, M., Massoud, A.(2022).Impact of COVID-19 Pandemic on Qatar Electricity Demand and Load Forecasting: Preparedness of Distribution Networks for Emerging Situations. Sustainability (Switzerland),14(15)
    11. Abd Rahman, N., Johari, M.S.M., Dias, C. (2022).Exploratory study on self-awareness and self-preparedness of Malaysian rail passengers for emergency evacuations. Transportation Engineering,7
    12. Suzuki, K., Tang, K., Alhajyaseen, W., Suzuki, K., Nakamura, H.(2022).An international comparative study on driving attitudes and behaviors based on questionnaire surveys. IATSS Research,46(1) 26-35
    13. Dias, C., Abdullah, M., Ahmed, D., Subaih, R.(2022).Pedestrians’ Microscopic Walking Dynamics in Single-File Movement: The Influence of Gender. Applied Sciences (Switzerland),12(19)
    14. Elagouz, N., Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Sen, B., Kutty, A.A., Kagawa, S., Nansai, K., Kim, D.(2022).Rethinking mobility strategies for mega-sporting events: A global multiregional input-output-based hybrid life cycle sustainability assessment of alternative fuel bus technologies. Sustainable Production and Consumption,33767-787
    15. Kutty, A.A., Wakjira, T.G., Kucukvar, M., Abdella, G.M., Onat, N.C.(2022).Urban resilience and livability performance of European smart cities: A novel machine learning approach. Journal of Cleaner Production,378
    16. Abdullah, H.M., Gastli, A., Ben-Brahim, L., Mohammed, S.O.(2022).Integrated Multi-Criteria Model for Long-Term Placement of Electric Vehicle Chargers. IEEE Access,10123452-123473
    17. Al-Hajj, S., Farran, S., Sibai, A.M., Hamadeh, R.R., Rahimi-Movaghar, V., Al-Raddadi, R.M., Sadeghian, F., Ghodsi, Z., Alhajyaseen, W., Rmeileh, N.M.A., Mokdad, A.H.(2022).Injury burden in individuals aged 50 years or older in the Eastern Mediterranean region, 1990–2019: a systematic analysis from the Global Burden of Disease Study 2019. The Lancet Healthy Longevity,3(4) e253-e262
    18. Almukdad, A., Muley, D., Alfahel, R., Alkadour, F., Ismail, R., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2022).Assessment of different pedestrian communication strategies for improving driver behaviour at marked crosswalks on free channelized right turns. Journal of Safety Research,
    19. Khanfar, N.O., Ashqar, H.I., Elhenawy, M., Hussain, Q., Hasasneh, A., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2022).Application of Unsupervised Machine Learning Classification for the Analysis of Driver Behavior in Work Zones in the State of Qatar. Sustainability (Switzerland),14(22)
    20. Tahmasseby, S. (2022).The Implementation of Smart Mobility for Smart Cities: A Case Study in Qatar. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran),8(10) 2154-2171
    21. Alhomaidat, F., Hasan, R.A., Hanandeh, S., Alhajyaseen, W.(2022).Using driving simulator to study the effect of crash fact signs on speeding behaviour along freeways. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,
    22. Tahmasseby, S., Reddipalayam Palaniappan Subramanian, P. (2022).Traffic Impact Assessment for the Stadiums Hosting FIFA 2022 World Cup in Qatar: A Case Study. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering,46(4) 3499-3510
    23. El-Hafez, O.J., Elmekkawy, T.Y., Kharbeche, M.B.M., Massoud, A.M.(2022).Economic Energy Allocation of Conventional and Large-Scale PV Power Plants. Applied Sciences (Switzerland),12(3)
    24. Jiang, S., Jafari, M., Kharbeche, M., Jalayer, M., Al-Khalifa, K.N.(2022).Safe Route Mapping of Roadways Using Multiple Sourced Data. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,23(4) 3169-3179
    25. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Hussain, Q. (2022).The impact of rural expressway environments: drivers’ attention allocation to variable message signs. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,
    26. Dhibi, M., Alhajyaseen, W., Alinier, N. (2022).Safety and security perceptions in informal transport: the case of Tunisia. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,
    27. Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Almukdad, A., Hussain, Q., Almallah, M., Al Malki, M.A., Singaravelu, J., Zammataro, S.(2022).Road safety status during COVID-19 pandemic: exploring public and road safety expert’s opinions. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,29(2) 135-151
    28. Toriumi, A., Abu-Lebdeh, G., Alhajyaseen, W., Christie, N., Gehlert, T., Mehran, B., Mussone, L., Shawky, M., Tang, K., Nakamura, H.(2022).A multi-country survey for collecting and analyzing facts related to road traffic safety: Legislation, enforcement, and education for safer drivers. IATSS Research,46(1) 14-25
    29. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, K., Pirdavani, A., Brijs, T.(2022).Improved Traffic Flow Efficiency during Yellow Interval at Signalized Intersections Using a Smart Countdown System. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,23(3) 1959-1968
    30. Ghanim, M.S., Muley, D., Kharbeche, M. (2022).ANN-Based traffic volume prediction models in response to COVID-19 imposed measures. Sustainable Cities and Society,81
    31. AlKhereibi, A.H., Onat, N., Furlan, R., Grosvald, M., Awwaad, R.Y.(2022).Underlying Mechanisms of Transit-Oriented Development: A Conceptual System Dynamics Model in Qatar. Designs,6(5)
    32. Abdullah, H.M., Gastli, A., Ben-Brahim, L., Mohammed, S.O.(2022).Planning and Optimizing Electric-Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Through System Dynamics. IEEE Access,1017495-17514
    33. Khanfar, N.O., Elhenawy, M., Ashqar, H.I., Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2022).Driving behavior classification at signalized intersections using vehicle kinematics: Application of unsupervised machine learning. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,
    34. Ercan, T., Onat, N.C., Keya, N., Tatari, O., Eluru, N., Kucukvar, M.(2022).Autonomous electric vehicles can reduce carbon emissions and air pollution in cities. Transportation Research Part D: Transport and Environment,112
    35. Jaekel, B., Muley, D. (2022).Transport impacts in Germany and State of Qatar: An assessment during the first wave of COVID-19. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,13
    36. Yasanthi, R.G.N., Mehran, B., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M. (2022).A reliability-based weather-responsive variable speed limit system to improve the safety of rural highways. Accident Analysis and Prevention,177
    37. Dirix, H., Ross, V., Brijs, K., Bertels, L., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Wets, G., Spooren, A.(2022).Autism-friendly public bus transport: A personal experience–based perspective. Autism,
    38. Al-Quradaghi, S., Zheng, Q.P., Betancourt-Torcat, A., Elkamel, A.(2022).Optimization Model for Sustainable End-of-Life Vehicle Processing and Recycling. Sustainability (Switzerland),14(6)
    39. Abdullah, M., Dias, C., Oguchi, T. (2022).Road Crossing at Unmarked Mid-Block Locations: Exploring Pedestrians’ Perception and Behavior. Iranian Journal of Science and Technology - Transactions of Civil Engineering,46(2) 1681-1698
    40. Zhu, H., Han, T., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Iryo-Asano, M., Nakamura, H.(2022).Can automated driving prevent crashes with distracted Pedestrians? An exploration of motion planning at unsignalized Mid-block crosswalks. Accident Analysis and Prevention,173
    41. Jiang, S., Zhang, Y., Liu, R., Jafari, M., Kharbeche, M.(2022).Data-Driven Optimization for Dynamic Shortest Path Problem Considering Traffic Safety. IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems,23(10) 18237-18252
    42. Almallah, M., Hussain, Q., SayedMohammed, S., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2022).Improved driver behaviour at bus stops on local roads: Comparison of different treatments. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,91499-513
    43. Hannun, J., Dias, C., Taha, A.H., Almutairi, A., Alhajyaseen, W., Sarvi, M., Al-Bosta, S.(2022).Pedestrian flow characteristics through different angled bends: Exploring the spatial variation of velocity. PLoS ONE,17(3)
    44. Timmermans, C., Shawky, M., Alhajyaseen, W., Nakamura, H.(2022).Investigating the attitudes of Egyptian drivers toward traffic safety. IATSS Research,46(1) 73-81
    45. AlHamad, S., Almallah, M., Naser, M.N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., de Roos, M.(2022).Examining the role of road safety audits worldwide: exploring road safety expert’s opinions. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,
    46. Dias, C., Abdullah, M., Lovreglio, R., Sachchithanantham, S., Rekatheeban, M., Sathyaprasad, I.M.S.(2022).Exploring home-to-school trip mode choices in Kandy, Sri Lanka. Journal of Transport Geography,99
    1. Abdullah, M., Ali, N., Dias, C., Campisi, T., Javid, M.A.(2021).Exploring the traveler’s intentions to use public transport during the covid-19 pandemic while complying with precautionary measures. Applied Sciences (Switzerland),11(8)
    2. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Pirdavani, A., Hussain, Q., Brijs, K.(2021).Sandstorm animations on rural expressways: The impact of variable message sign strategies on driver behavior in low visibility conditions. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,78308-325
    3. Mohamed, M.A.I., Rahman, N.A., Dias, C. (2021).Self-reported likely behaviour of rail passengers during an emergency evacuation-A case study of Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. IATSS Research,45(4) 530-538
    4. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Reinolsmann, N., Brijs, K., Pirdavani, A., Wets, G., Brijs, T.(2021).Optical pavement treatments and their impact on speed and lateral position at transition zones: A driving simulator study. Accident Analysis and Prevention,150
    5. Alhajyaseen, W., Adnan, M., Abuhejleh, A., Onat, N., Tarlochan, F.(2021).Travelers’ preferences regarding autonomous mobility in the State of Qatar. Personal and Ubiquitous Computing,25(1) 141-149
    6. Ross, V., Reinolsmann, N., Lobbestael, J., Timmermans, C., Brijs, T., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, K.(2021).Relating reactive and proactive aggression to trait driving anger in young and adult males: A pilot study using explicit and implicit measures. Sustainability (Switzerland),13(4) 1-21
    7. Abdullah, M., Oguchi, T., Dias, C. (2021).Relocation of intersection crosswalks to nearby mid-block locations: Simulation-based performance evaluation. Jordan Journal of Civil Engineering,15(3) 393-406
    8. Dias, C., Rahman, N.A., Abdullah, M., Sukor, N.S.A.(2021).Influence of COVID-19 mobility-restricting policies on individual travel behavior in Malaysia. Sustainability (Switzerland),13(24)
    9. Almallah, M., Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Pirdavani, A., Brijs, K., Dias, C., Brijs, T.(2021).Improved traffic safety at work zones through animation-based variable message signs. Accident Analysis and Prevention,159
    10. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Pirdavani, A., Brijs, K., Shaaban, K., Brijs, T.(2021).Do detection-based warning strategies improve vehicle yielding behavior at uncontrolled midblock crosswalks?. Accident Analysis and Prevention,157
    11. Almallah, M., Hussain, Q., Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M.(2021).Driving simulation sickness and the sense of presence: Correlation and contributing factors. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,78180-193
    12. Aseel, S., Al-Yafei, H., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C.(2021).Life cycle air emissions and social human health impact assessment of liquified natural gas maritime transport. Energies,14(19)
    13. Abdella, G.M., Kucukvar, M., Kutty, A.A., Abdelsalam, A.G., Sen, B., Bulak, M.E., Onat, N.C.(2021).A novel approach for developing composite eco-efficiency indicators: The case for US food consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production,299
    14. Yasanthi, R.G.N., Mehran, B., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M. (2021).Modelling speed behaviour in rural highways: Safety analysis of driving under adverse road-weather conditions. PLoS ONE,16(8)
    15. Al-Hamrani, A., Kim, D., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C.(2021).Circular economy application for a Green Stadium construction towards sustainable FIFA world cup Qatar 2022™. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,87
    16. Shaaban, K., Muley, D., Mohammed, A. (2021).Modeling pedestrian gap acceptance behavior at a six-lane urban road. Journal of Transportation Safety and Security,13(8) 842-859
    17. Muley, D., Ghanim, M.S., Mohammad, A., Kharbeche, M.(2021).Quantifying the impact of COVID–19 preventive measures on traffic in the State of Qatar. Transport Policy,10345-59
    18. Aseel, S., Al-Yafei, H., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Turkay, M., Kazancoglu, Y., Al-Sulaiti, A., Al-Hajri, A.(2021).A model for estimating the carbon footprint of maritime transportation of Liquefied Natural Gas under uncertainty. Sustainable Production and Consumption,271602-1613
    19. Tahmasseby, S., Muley, D., Wink, B.W. (2021).Performance evaluation of vehicle restraint systems in the context of design and installation. Civil Engineering Journal (Iran),7(3) 449-460
    20. Kucukvar, M., Alawi, K.A., Abdella, G.M., Bulak, M.E., Onat, N.C., Bulu, M., Yalçıntaş, M.(2021).A frontier-based managerial approach for relative sustainability performance assessment of the world's airports. Sustainable Development,29(1) 89-107
    21. Al-Yafei, H., Kucukvar, M., Alnouss, A., Aseel, S., Onat, N.C.(2021).A novel hybrid life cycle assessment approach to air emissions and human health impacts of liquefied natural gas supply chain. Energies,14(19)
    22. Dias, C., Rahman, N.A., Zaiter, A. (2021).Evacuation under flooded conditions: Experimental investigation of the influence of water depth on walking behaviors. International Journal of Disaster Risk Reduction,58
    23. Zhu, H., Almukdad, A., Iryo-Asano, M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Nakamura, H., Zhang, X.(2021).A novel agent-based framework for evaluating pedestrian safety at unsignalized mid-block crosswalks. Accident Analysis and Prevention,159
    24. Rahouti, A., Lovreglio, R., Dias, C., Kuligowski, E., Gai, G., La Mendola, S.(2021).Investigating office buildings evacuations using unannounced fire drills: The case study of CERN, Switzerland. Fire Safety Journal,125
    25. Onat, N.C., Abdella, G.M., Kucukvar, M., Kutty, A.A., Al-Nuaimi, M., Kumbaroğlu, G., Bulu, M.(2021).How eco-efficient are electric vehicles across Europe? A regionalized life cycle assessment-based eco-efficiency analysis. Sustainable Development,29(5) 941-956
    26. Kucukvar, M., Kutty, A.A., Al-Hamrani, A., Kim, D., Nofal, N., Onat, N.C., Ermolaeva, P., Al-Ansari, T., Al-Thani, S.K., Al-Jurf, N.M., Bulu, M., Al-Nahhal, W.(2021).How circular design can contribute to social sustainability and legacy of the FIFA World Cup Qatar 2022™? The case of innovative shipping container stadium. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,91
    27. Tahmasseby, S. (2021).Aerial ropeway system — feasibility study in Doha, Qatar. Journal of Unmanned Vehicle Systems,9(2) 92-111
    28. Alkhereibi, A.H., Tahmasseby, S., Mohammed, S., Muley, D.(2021).Blue collar laborers’ travel pattern recognition: Machine learning classifier approach. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,12
    29. Abdella, G.M., Kucukvar, M., Ismail, R., Abdelsalam, A.G., Onat, N.C., Dawoud, O.(2021).A mixed model-based Johnson's relative weights for eco-efficiency assessment: The case for global food consumption. Environmental Impact Assessment Review,89
    30. Jabbar, R., Fetais, N., Kharbeche, M., Krichen, M., Barkaoui, K., Shinoy, M.(2021).Blockchain for the Internet of Vehicles: How to Use Blockchain to Secure Vehicle-to-Everything (V2X) Communication and Payment?. IEEE Sensors Journal,21(14) 15807-15823
    31. Ashraf Javid, M., Abdullah, M., Ali, N., Dias, C.(2021).Structural equation modeling of public transport use with COVID-19 precautions: An extension of the norm activation model. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,12
    32. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Pirdavani, A., Hussain, Q., Brijs, K.(2021).Investigating the impact of a novel active gap metering signalization strategy on driver behavior at highway merging sections. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,7842-57
    33. Hawari, A.H., Qasem, M., Alhajyaseen, W. (2021).Concentration of pb, cu, zn and cd in the roadside soil of doha: Effect of traffic volume and season. Polish Journal of Environmental Studies,30(4) 3579-3586
    34. Abdullah, M., Ali, N., Javid, M.A., Dias, C., Campisi, T.(2021).Public transport versus solo travel mode choices during the COVID-19 pandemic: Self-reported evidence from a developing country. Transportation Engineering,5
    35. Al-Buenain, A., Al-Muhannadi, S., Falamarzi, M., Kutty, A.A., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C.(2021).The Adoption of Electric Vehicles in Qatar Can Contribute to Net Carbon Emission Reduction but Requires Strong Government Incentives. Vehicles,3(3) 618-635
    36. Dirix, H., Ross, V., Brijs, K., Vermeiren, E., Timmermans, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Wets, G., Spooren, A.(2021).The appraisal of roadway environment and infrastructure by drivers with autism: A qualitative study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,78280-298
    37. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Adnan, M., Almallah, M., Almukdad, A., Alqaradawi, M.(2021).Autonomous vehicles between anticipation and apprehension: Investigations through safety and security perceptions. Transport Policy,110440-451
    38. Zhu, H., Iryo-Asano, M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Nakamura, H., Dias, C.(2021).Interactions between autonomous vehicles and pedestrians at unsignalized mid-block crosswalks considering occlusions by opposing vehicles. Accident Analysis and Prevention,163
    1. Zhu, H., Nakamura, H., Alhajyaseen, W. (2020).Modeling the Impact of Downstream Conditions on Discharging Behavior of Vehicles at Signalized Intersections Using Micro-Simulation. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,45(5) 4187-4202
    2. Kutty, A.A., Abdella, G.M., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Bulu, M.(2020).A system thinking approach for harmonizing smart and sustainable city initiatives with United Nations sustainable development goals. Sustainable Development,28(5) 1347-1365
    3. Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M. (2020).Carbon footprint of construction industry: A global review and supply chain analysis. Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews,124
    4. Cloutier, S., Angilletta, M., Mathias, J.-D., Onat, N.C.(2020).Informing the sustainable pursuit of happiness. Sustainability (Switzerland),12(22) 1-14
    5. Al-Quradaghi, S., Zheng, Q.P., Elkamel, A. (2020).Generalized framework for the design of eco-industrial parks: Case study of end-of-life vehicles. Sustainability (Switzerland),12(16)
    6. DIas, C., Iryo-Asano, M., Abdullah, M., Oguchi, T., Alhajyaseen, W.(2020).Modeling Trajectories and Trajectory Variation of Turning Vehicles at Signalized Intersections. IEEE Access,8109821-109834
    7. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Brijs, K., Pirdavani, A., Brijs, T.(2020).Innovative countermeasures for red light running prevention at signalized intersections: A driving simulator study. Accident Analysis and Prevention,134
    8. Pan, A., Zhang, X., Nakamura, H., Alhajyaseen, W.(2020).Investigating the Efficiency and Safety of Signalized Intersections Under Mixed Flow Conditions of Autonomous and Human-Driven Vehicles. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,45(10) 8607-8618
    9. Timmermans, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Soliman, A., Brijs, T., Bedair, K., Ross, V.(2020).Effect of ADHD traits in young drivers on self-reported deviant driving behaviours: An exploratory study in the Arab gulf region. Journal of Transport and Health,17
    10. Abdullah, M., Dias, C., Muley, D., Shahin, M.(2020).Exploring the impacts of COVID-19 on travel behavior and mode preferences. Transportation Research Interdisciplinary Perspectives,8
    11. Abuhijleh, A., Dias, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Muley, D.(2020).Effect of U-turns and heavy vehicles on the saturation flow rates of left-turn lanes at signalized intersections. Sustainability (Switzerland),12(11)
    12. Abdeljaber, O., Younis, A., Alhajyaseen, W. (2020).Extraction of Vehicle Turning Trajectories at Signalized Intersections Using Convolutional Neural Networks. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,45(10) 8011-8025
    13. Sen, B., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Tatari, O.(2020).Life cycle sustainability assessment of autonomous heavy-duty trucks. Journal of Industrial Ecology,24(1) 149-164
    14. Timmermans, C.P.M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Ross, V., Nakamura, H.(2020).Introducing a multi-variate classification method: Risky driving acceptance among different heterogeneous driver sub-cultures. Journal of Safety Research,7381-91
    15. Abdella, G.M., Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Al-Yafay, H.M., Bulak, M.E.(2020).Sustainability assessment and modeling based on supervised machine learning techniques: The case for food consumption. Journal of Cleaner Production,251
    16. Zhu, H., Nakamura, H., Alhajyaseen, W., Iryo-Asano, M.(2020).Modeling Traffic Flows on Urban Arterials Considering the Downstream Influence. Transportation Research Record,2674(5) 475-485
    17. Jabbar, R., Kharbeche, M., Al-Khalifa, K., Krichen, M., Barkaoui, A.K.(2020).Blockchain for the internet of vehicles: A decentralized IoT solution for vehicles communication using ethereum. Sensors (Switzerland),20(14) 1-27
    1. Timmermans, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Reinolsmann, N., Nakamura, H., Suzuki, K.(2019).Traffic safety culture of professional drivers in the State of Qatar. IATSS Research,43(4) 286-296
    2. Arbabzadeh, N., Jafari, M., Jalayer, M., Jiang, S., Kharbeche, M.(2019).A hybrid approach for identifying factors affecting driver reaction time using naturalistic driving data. Transportation Research Part C: Emerging Technologies,100107-124
    3. Dias, C., Abdullah, M., Sarvi, M., Lovreglio, R., Alhajyaseen, W.(2019).Modeling and simulation of pedestrian movement planning around corners. Sustainability (Switzerland),11(19)
    4. Muley, D., Kharbeche, M., Downey, L., Saleh, W., Al-Salem, M.(2019).Road users' behavior at marked Crosswalks on channelized right-turn lanes at intersections in the state of Qatar. Sustainability (Switzerland),11(20)
    5. Downey, L.T., Saleh, W., Muley, D., Kharbeche, M.(2019).Pedestrian crashes at priority-controlled junctions, roundabouts, and signalized junctions: The UK case study. Traffic Injury Prevention,20(3) 308-313
    6. Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Afshar, S. (2019).Eco-efficiency of electric vehicles in the United States: A life cycle assessment based principal component analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production,212515-526
    7. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Pirdavani, A., Hussain, Q., Brijs, K.(2019).Investigating the impact of dynamic merge control strategies on driving behavior on rural and urban expressways – A driving simulator study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,65469-484
    8. Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Abdella, G.M., Tatari, O.(2019).Assessing regional and global environmental footprints and value added of the largest food producers in the world. Resources, Conservation and Recycling,144187-197
    9. Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Aboushaqrah, N.N.M., Jabbar, R.(2019).How sustainable is electric mobility? A comprehensive sustainability assessment approach for the case of Qatar. Applied Energy,250461-477
    10. Sen, B., Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Tatari, O.(2019).Material footprint of electric vehicles: A multiregional life cycle assessment. Journal of Cleaner Production,2091033-1043
    11. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Pirdavani, A., Reinolsmann, N., Brijs, K., Brijs, T.(2019).Speed perception and actual speed in a driving simulator and real-world: A validation study. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,62637-650
    12. Reinolsmann, N., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T., Ross, V., Timmermans, C., Pirdavani, A., Hussain, Q., Brijs, K.(2019).Investigating the Impacts of Graphical Route Information Panel Layouts on Drivers’ Comprehension and Response Time. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,44(10) 8439-8450
    13. Ross, V., Jongen, E.M.M., Brijs, K., Vanroelen, G., Beelen, C., Maltagliati, I., van Beers, M., Ruiter, R.A.C., Brijs, T., Alhajyaseen, W., Soliman, A., Wets, G., Vanvuchelen, M.(2019).The relation between driving errors and executive functioning in intellectually able young novice drivers with autism. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,6338-54
    14. Kelly, C., Onat, N.C., Tatari, O. (2019).Water and carbon footprint reduction potential of renewable energy in the United States: A policy analysis using system dynamics. Journal of Cleaner Production,228910-926
    15. Hussain, Q., Feng, H., Grzebieta, R., Brijs, T., Olivier, J.(2019).The relationship between impact speed and the probability of pedestrian fatality during a vehicle-pedestrian crash: A systematic review and meta-analysis. Accident Analysis and Prevention,129241-249
    16. Suzuki, K., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Imada, K., Dias, C.(2019).Motorcyclists’ Safety on Expressways: Subjective and Objective Evaluations. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,44(10) 8859-8873
    17. Muley, D., Kharbeche, M., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Al-Salem, M.(2019).Empirical Study on Pedestrian Signal Design and Compliance in the State of Qatar. International Journal of Civil Engineering,17(11) 1653-1666
    18. Timmermans, C., Alhajyaseen, W., Al Mamun, A., Wakjira, T., Qasem, M., Almallah, M., Younis, H.(2019).Analysis of road traffic crashes in the State of Qatar. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,26(3) 242-250
    19. Hussain, Q., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Brijs, K., Pirdavani, A., Reinolsmann, N., Brijs, T.(2019).Drivers’ estimation of their travelling speed: a study on an expressway and a local road. International Journal of Injury Control and Safety Promotion,26(3) 216-224
    1. Onat, N.C., Kucukvar, M., Tatari, O. (2018).Well-to-wheel water footprints of conventional versus electric vehicles in the United States: A state-based comparative analysis. Journal of Cleaner Production,204788-802
    2. Shaaban, K., Muley, D., Elnashar, D. (2018).Evaluating the effect of seasonal variations on walking behaviour in a hot weather country using logistic regression. International Journal of Urban Sciences,22(3) 382-391
    3. Reinolsmann, N., Brijs, K., Brijs, T., Alhajyaseen, W., Cornu, J., Mollu, K.(2018).Variable message sign strategies for congestion warning on motorways - A driving simulator study. Advances in Transportation Studies,4577-92
    4. Kucukvar, M., Onat, N.C., Haider, M.A. (2018).Material dependence of national energy development plans: The case for Turkey and United Kingdom. Journal of Cleaner Production,200490-500
    5. Mathias, J.-D., Clark, S.S., Onat, N., Seager, T.P.(2018).An integrated dynamical modeling perspective for infrastructure resilience. Infrastructures,3(2)
    6. Awan, H.H., Sajid, S.R., Declercq, K., Adnan, M., Pirdavani, A., Alhajyaseen, W., Brijs, T.(2018).Drivers’ crossing behaviour between express and local lanes with soft separation: A driving simulator study. Advances in Transportation Studies,141-54
    7. Villegas, J.J., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Nakamura, H., Goto, A.(2018).Performance evaluation of the inside intersection median-turn lane markings on the mobility and safety performance of signalized intersections in the Philippines and Japan. IATSS Research,42(4) 230-239
    8. Shaaban, K., Muley, D., Mohammed, A. (2018).Analysis of illegal pedestrian crossing behavior on a major divided arterial road. Transportation Research Part F: Traffic Psychology and Behaviour,54124-137
    9. Rizana, R., Alhajyaseen, W.(PTSF) as the service measure for two-lane highways. Communications in Science and Technology,3(2) 48-51
    10. Arshi, A.N., Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Nakamura, H., Zhang, X.(2018).A comparative study on the operational performance of four-leg intersections by control type. Transportation Research Part A: Policy and Practice,11852-67
    11. Shaaban, K., Muley, D., Khalil, R. (2018).An assessment tool to evaluate complete streets in developing countries: The case of Qatar. International Journal of Sustainable Society,10(3) 225-232
    12. Hussain, Q., Pirdavani, A., Ariën, C., Brijs, T., Alhajyaseen, W.(2018).The impact of perceptual countermeasures on driving behavior in rural-urban transition road segments: A driving simulator study. Advances in Transportation Studies,4683-96
    13. Al-Sahili, K., Dwaikat, M., Abu-Eisheh, S., Alhajyaseen, W.(2018).Effectiveness of Consistency Measures in Crash Prediction Models for Two-Lane Highways in Palestine. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering,43(10) 5645-5656
    1. Miho Iryo-Asano, Wael KM Alhajyaseen. Modeling pedestrian crossing speed profiles considering speed change behavior for the safety assessment of signalized intersections. Accident Analysis & Prevention 108 (2017), 332-342
    2. Alhajyaseen, W.K.M., Ratrout, N.T., Assi, K.J. et al. The Integration of Dynamic Lane Grouping Technique and Signal Timing Optimization for Improving the Mobility of Isolated Intersections. Arab J Sci Eng (2017) 42: 1013
    3. Alhajyaseen, W., Iryo-Asano, M. (2017). Studying Critical Pedestrian Behavioral Changes for the Safety Assessment at Signalized Crosswalks. Safety Science, 91, 351-360
    4. Alhajyaseen, W. K., Najjar, M., Ratrout, N. T., & Assi, K. (2017). The Effectiveness of Applying Dynamic Lane Assignment at all Approaches of Signalized Intersection. Case Studies on Transport Policy, 5(2), 224-232.
    5. Alhajyaseen, W. K., Ratrout, N. T., Assi, K. J., & Hassan, A. A. (2017). The Integration of Dynamic Lane Grouping Technique and Signal Timing Optimization for Improving the Mobility of Isolated Intersections. Arabian Journal for Science and Engineering, 42(3), 1013-1024.
    6. F. Tarlochan, S.V. Perumal, K. Al-Khalifa, A. Hamouda, (2014). A Novel Design of Lightweight Aluminum Tubular Crash-Box for Crashworthiness Application, IJAMAE Volume 1: Issue 2, pp 53-56.