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    NanoDrop Lite

    The Thermo Scientific NanoDrop Lite Spectrophotometer is a compact, personal UV-Vis micro volume spectrophotometer it delivers where it counts: rapid, accurate and reproducible micro volume measurements without the need for dilutions. the sample is held in place by surface tension only.

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    Mic Real-Time PCR System

    The Mic ensures fast and highly accurate results. This real time pcr cycler is bundled into a small 2kg cube so you can bring it anywhere.

    The Mic real time pcr machine is available in either 2 or 4 channel models. Each channel uses an independent high intensity LED, photodetector and filter set combining together to give unparalleled detection performance. With a fixed optical path and no moving parts there is never any optical alignment or calibration required.

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    ABI 7500 Real-Time PCR Instrument-Applied Biosystems

    The Applied Biosystems 7500/7500 Fast Real-Time PCR System is a 96-well, five-color platform that uses fluorescence-based polymerase chain reaction (PCR) reagents to provide:

    • Quantitative detection of target nucleic acid sequences (targets) using real-time analysis.
    • Qualitative detection of targets using post-PCR (endpoint) analysis.
    • Qualitative analysis of the PCR product (achieved by melt curve analysis that occurs post-PCR)

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    QuantStudio 5 Dx Real-Time PCR System

    The Applied Biosystems QuantStudio 5 Dx Real-Time PCR System is designed with the clinic in mind—delivering a modern, interactive diagnostic instrument with the flexibility of software designed for both IVD use and test development. The QuantStudio 5 Dx system is well suited for any clinical laboratory.

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    GENEAMP 9700 PCR SYSTEMS- Applied Biosystems

    The Applied Biosystems GeneAmp 9700 PCR system is specifically designed for high sample volume amplification of nucleic acids. The ABI 9700 thermal cycler consists of a base module and an interchangeable sample block. The heated lid and unique thermal isolation frame ensures oil free operation in the 0.5µl format. These PCR’s are designed for use with 0.2ml reaction tubes/plates for all routine PCR applications. It features an easy to use graphic interface with intuitive programing, interchangeable blocks for flexible use, and fast, uniform thermal response.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    iBright™ CL1000 Imaging System

    The iBright™ Imaging Systems allow users to image a variety of blots and gels. The iBright™ CL1000 Imaging System provides for imaging of chemiluminescent Western blots, DNA and RNA gels stained with fluorescent nucleic acid stains, and visible protein gels. The iBright&treade; FL1000 Imaging System adds the capability of imaging fluorescent Western blots using multiple dyes. The iBright™ imagers use a simple design and intuitive workflows to deliver high resolution images. The instrument can be run directly from the touchscreen to start and create images, while also providing on-board software for image analysis. To further analyze data, the instrument can be integrated with the iBright™ Image Analysis Software available through your Thermo Fisher Cloud account.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Qsonica offers several devices routinely used for shearing Chromatin and DNA, For individual samples the easiest method is to insert a small probe directly into a sample, Energy is transmitted from the probe directly into the sample and the entire volume is processed very quickly.

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    • Location: D110
    • PI: BRC
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    ProFlex™ 96-well PCR System

    ProFlex™ 3x32-well PCR System

    The ProFlex™ PCR System is an end-point thermal cycler, specifically designed for the amplification of nucleic acids using the Polymerase Chain Reaction (PCR) process. The user interface includes a touchscreen with a graphical display that shows the time, status, and temperature for each run. A touchscreen keypad allows you to enter information into fields on the display screen.

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    • Location: D137
    • PI: BRC
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    QuantStudio™ 6 Flex Real-Time PCR System

    To accommodate the growing number of labs using qPCR and to provide an eas To accommodate the growing number of labs using qPCR and to provide an easy way for these labs to integrate real-time PCR, GenoLogics has launched integrations with LifeTechnologies/Thermo Fisher QuantStudio qPCR instruments. Clarity LIMS integrates with the following QuantStudio instruments: QuantStudio® 6 Flex System.

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    • Location: D137
    • PI: BRC
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    Qubit Fluorometric Quantitation

    The Qubit™ 4 Fluorometer is a benchtop fluorometer that can be used for the quantitation of DNA, RNA, microRNA, and protein, as well as for the measurement of RNA integrity and quality using the highly sensitive and accurate fluorescencebased Qubit™ assays. Additionally,You can also use the Qubit™ 4 Fluorometer to directly measure the fluorescence of samples or to create new assays using the MyQubit software preprogrammed into the instrument

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    • Location: D136
    • PI: BRC
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    2100 Bioanalyzer Instrument

    The Agilent 2100 Bioanalyzer system provides sizing, quantitation and quality control of DNA, RNA, proteins and cells on a single platform, providing high quality digital data.

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    • Location: D136
    • PI: BRC
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    Biometra Tadvanced

    The TAdvanced Twin combines the versatility and performance of the Biometra TAdvanced with the flexibility and renowned durability of the Biometra TRIO to create a PCR thermal cycler suitable for all users and all applications. The TAdvanced Twin allows two different users to run two different PCR protocols at the same time.

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    • Location: D111
    • PI: BRC
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    Biometra (BL STAR 16)

    Blue light transilluminators are a quite interesting alternative to UV transilluminators as there is no risk of sample damage during illumination. Users also benefit from it as there is no risk of UV exposure. Blue light excitation is applicable for fluorescent dyes for nucleic acid or protein stains with excitation wavelengths around 470 nm.

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    • Location: D111
    • PI: BRC
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    CO2 Incubator (ECIS Z0) SL Shellab

    This incubator is connected to ECIS Z-Theta, which is an instrument with a distinct method of accurately measuring cellular behaviors including proliferation, migration, barrier function, attachment. The ECIS Z-Theta capable of a multitude of assays, all done in real time, giving it the edge in impedance-based assays.

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    Forma Direct Heat CO2 Incubator model 361

    ThermoScientific Forma Direct Heat CO2 Incubator combine high capacity and dependable performance in an easy to use design, for researchers who prefer the convenience of direct heat temperature control technology.

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    Heraeus CO2 Incubator with hypoxia chamber (D-63450)- Function line

    This incubator can facilitate experiment for cells in hypoxic conditions.

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    Invitrogen countess II FL

    The Countess II FL Automated Cell Counter is a fully automated, 3-channel cell counter and assay platform that uses EVOS™ light cube technology, state-of-the-art optics, and image analysis algorithms to analyze fluorescently labeled cells or trypan blue stained samples in suspension

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    Tali® Image Cytometer

    The Tali™ Image-Based cytometer is perfect for:

    • Rapid analysis of GFP/RFP vector transfection efficiency
    • Identification of GFP and/or RFP positive cells
    • Simple two color apoptosis assays
    • Accurate cell viability population analysis
    • Quick verification of samples prior to sorting or high-end flow cytometry analysis

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Forma Series II Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators

    Precisely control the CO2 and temperature with Thermo Scientific™ Forma™ Series II 3110 Water-Jacketed CO2 Incubators, which combine precise control with a choice of TC or IR sensors. Featuring superior parameter recovery characteristics with innovative, continuous contamination control technology.

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    • Location: D139
    • PI: BRC
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    Liquid Nitrogen Locator

    ThermoScientific liquid nitrogen locator provides outstanding temperature uniformity: samples are stored below -180 degree C, even when less than 2" of liquid nitrogen remains in the vessel.

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    • Location: D134
    • PI: BRC
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    Biological Safety Cabinet

    Purifier Logic+ Class II, Type A2 Biosafety Cabinets provide personnel, product and environmental protection from hazardous particulates such as agents that require Biosafety Level 1, 2 or 3 containment. Other appropriate applications include work with antineoplastic drugs, genetic material, carcinogens, allergens and additional substances that generate hazardous airborne particulates.

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    • Location: D138-D139
    • PI: BRC
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    BioTek cytation 5 imaging reader

    Cytation 5 combines automated microscopy and conventional microplate detection in a configurable, upgradable platform. The microscopy module offers up to 60x magnification in fluorescence, brightfield, high contrast brightfield, color brightfield, and phase contrast to address many applications and workflows.;The multimode detection modules include filter- and monochromator-based fluorescence detection, luminescence, and UV-Vis absorbance detection. Gen5 software provides complete control over all imaging and data capture, plus powerful image and data analysis.

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    • Location: D138-D139
    • PI: BRC
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    EVOS® XL Core Imaging System

    The EVOS® XL Core Imaging System has two types of controls: manual and onscreen. Manual controls include the illumination wheel, focus knobs, Freeze and Save buttons, objective turret, and the optional mechanical stage X-Y axis knobs. Onscreen controls appear at the bottom of the screen when the mouse rolls over the controls area. Using a mouse is optional; you can operate the EVOS® XL Core Imaging System using only manual controls.

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    • Location: D128
    • PI: BRC
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    Chemiluminescence Imaging GeneGnome

    The GeneGnome is a dedicated high performance bio imaging system for chemiluminescence applications. GeneGnome's has the ability to image and produce an analysis of the most complex chemiluminescent filters.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    ZEISS SteREO Discovery.V12 Microscope

    The motorized components of your SteREO Discovery.V12 are fully integrated into your microscope software ZEN and AxioVision: measure and document your samples reproducibly. Observe your Drosophila or zebrafish embryos, stents or circuit boards with an enhanced three-dimensional impression over the whole 12:1 zoom range. Capture images that are crisp and rich in contrast, have excellent color fidelity and simply contain more information. SteREO Discovery.V12 enhances resolution and contrast in biology and quality assurance. The external touch panel SYCOP controls all essential functions of SteREO Discovery.V12: magnification, focus, contrast, brightness and more.

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    • Location: D130
    • PI: BRC
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    ZEISS Stemi 508

    Equipped with apochromatic optics you acquire images of outstanding image contrast and color accuracy. Its mechanics is designed for heavy workloads. With the large up to 36 mm object field you always keep the overview of your sample. The 8:1 zoom then allows to bring details up to 50× magnification. Add interchangeable optics and observe an area of up to 122 mm. Stemi 508 offers better ergonomics than any other Greenough-type stereo microscope: The low viewing angle of 35° lets you keep a relaxed posture even after hours of work.

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    • Location: D117
    • PI: BRC
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    IX73 Inverted Microscope

    The IX73 inverted microscope system sets new standards in advanced live cell imaging with its compact frame, outstanding optical performance and exceptional flexibility. Manual encoded or semi-motorized options enable a variety of component combinations. The IX73 is available as a one-deck system with a low, ergonomic stage or as a two-deck system with additional expansion capabilities. Both provide the ability to perform a multitude of imaging applications, from fast advanced fluorescence imaging and other demanding techniques to routine testing and documentation.

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    • Location: D130
    • PI: BRC
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    Aquaneering System

    The Aquaneering system features a tubular stainless steel welded rack. The open frame design allows maximum visibility without sacrificing structural integrity. The onboard water delivery and drainage system are easily removable for cleaning and maintenance. Individual valves, allowing a variety of flow rates to individual tanks, precisely meter water flow. Drain troughs and piping are constructed from clear PVC for convenient monitoring of waste water flows.

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    ZebraBox Revolution

    The Zebrabox is the first ever high-throughput monitoring enclosure to analyze zebrafish behaviors. The 4th generation of ZebraBox is a complete system, designed for the high-throughput analysis of zebrafish larvae in multi-well plates with a total control over the experiment environment. ZebraBox is a component of ZebraLab and allows the automated observation and tracking of larval zebrafish, and zebrafish embryos. ZebraBox is capable of analyzing zebrafish larvae in multi-well plates, up to 96 individuals simultaneously.

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    Controlling the environment during a behavioral experiment is the key to success. ViewPoint has developed a new cubicle enclosure to control light, sound and vibration. ZebraCube is an individual apparatus that makes it easy to set your experiments up without requiring a full room.

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    Picoliter Microinjector (PLI-100A)

    The PLI-100A Pico-Injector reliably delivers injections from femtoliters to nanoliters through micropipettes by applying a regulated pressure for a digitally set period of time.

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    NARISHIGE PC-10 Puller

    The method used by this puller is to pull the glass capillary vertically, using the gravitational force of its own weight. For more versatility, two modes are provided: a single pull, which pulls at one stretch, and a double pull in which the setting is changed in mid-process. The PC-10 can therefore produce long, thin micropipettes for injection purposes, and firm microelectrodes for patch clamping. The change of setting in the double pull mode can be preset and then performed automatically, which represents a drastic saving of labor over conventional methods. Digital values, with the maximum output of the electromagnet and heater represented as 100, are shown on the display and the heater output is continually increased, making accurate mass production easier. This puller has several simple features to enhance ease of use, such as the employment of two weights (light and heavy) for tension adjustment.

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    Shake 'N Bake Digital Incubator

    The Shake ?N Bake Incubator shelves provide a gentle up and down motion which is ideal for hybridization and wash procedures as well as conventional incubations. The unit features digital temperature setting and display plus a PID temperature controller for rapid heat-up and excellent temperature stability. Timer not included.

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    ZEISS Stemi 2000-C Stereo Microscope

    The Zeiss Stemi 2000-C stereo microscope offers a wide variety of standard features and options that will meet the most rigorous application demands. The sharp, distortion-free 3D images produced by the Greenough optical system, along with a 7.7X to 1X click stop or continuous zoom range, sets the Stemi 2000-C Zeiss Microscope apart from other stereo microscopes. The included 10X eyepieces provide a 6.5X to 50X magnification range yielding a field of view from 35.4mm down to 4.6mm. By adding supplemental lenses and 25X eyepieces, magnifications of 1.95X to 250X can be achieved for this Zeiss Microscope.

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    Doppler Signal Digitizer

    The Indus Doppler Flow Velocity System is a high frequency, real-time pulsed Doppler measurement device with integrated data analysis software designed for measuring cardiovascular function in small animals. The high sampling rates grant excellent temporal resolution, making this the ideal system for studying fast heart rates and rapid blood accelerations present in small animals.

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    • Location: D117
    • PI: BRC
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    1588 Hova-Bator Incubator

    The Genesis Hova-Bator is pre-set for bird eggs. Simply plug it in, then add water and eggs. Nothing to set up or adjust. This circulated air Hova-Bator comes with a thermometer, plastic bottom liner, and is pre-set to 99. F (38 C). Like all incubators, the 1588 requires a stable room temperature and should not be used in areas like sheds or barns.

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    • Location: D117
    • PI: BRC
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    Egg Incubator (Digital Thermostat Equipped)

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    • Location: D117
    • PI: BRC
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    BSL3 Lab

    BSL3 is a self-sustained facility consist of two isolation labs. It is fully equipped for viral- and bacterial research on risk group 3 pathogens. It is applicable to clinical, diagnostic, teaching, research where work is performed with indigenous or exotic agents that may cause serious or potentially lethal disease through the inhalation route of exposure. The BSL-3 laboratory has special engineering and design features. It has enclosures for aerosol generating equipment, single-pass air, double door entry, HEPA filtration of the exhaust, effluent decontamination, personnel showers, and pass-thru autoclave.

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    • Location: On the east side of H10 Building
    • PI: BRC
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    DS2 system (2-plate ELISA Processing system)

    The DS2 system is Fully automated open system which has an ability to bring in tests that are currently being sent out with automated sample distribution, incubation, reagent addition, washing and detection steps of assays as defined by the manufacturer. The lab can customize assay parameters, assay steps, OD read settings, result calculations, quality control checks and report formats.

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    • Location: D138
    • PI: BRC
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    LUMINEX® 100/200™

    The Luminex 100/200 System is a flexible analyzer based on the principles of flow cytometry. The system enables you to multiplex (simultaneously measure) up to 100 analytes in a single microplate well, using very small sample volumes. The system delivers fast and cost-effective bioassay results on many assay formats including nucleic acid assays, receptor-ligand assays, immunoassays and enzymatic assays.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Infinite®; 200 PRO Microplate Reader

    The Infinite 200 PRO is a user-friendly and affordable multimode reader, designed to cater for the needs of today's applications. Based on the highly successful Infinite 200 series of microplate reader, the Infinite 200 PRO can provide a full range of leading detection methods in one easy-to-use modular instrument, with either Quad4 monochromator™ or filter-based technologies. Users can select the desired modules to create the perfect reader for their needs, with the option to upgrade as requirements change. The Infinite 200 PRO offers excellent sensitivity, multiplexing capabilities and high format flexibility, including 6- to 384-well microplates, PCR plates, cuvettes and Tecan's patented NanoQuant Plate™ for low sample volumes.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Epoch Microplate Spectrophotometer

    Epoch™ has a monochromator-base UV-Vis wavelength selection, offering expanded options for the life science laboratory without using interference filters, building in inherent cost savings. With its 200 nm to 999 nm wavelength range and 6- to 384- microplate reading capability, controlled with the Gen5 Data Analysis software interface, Epoch fills a void in today's laboratory through smart design and superior features. This robust, low maintenance microplate spectrophotometer ensures even greater value over time. BioStack and 3rd party automation capability is available with the optional Epoch R model.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Sequencing Unit

    The sequencing unit at the Biomedical Research Center has successfully established and deployed three high-throughput sequencing platforms: Illumina-MiSeq, MGI-G50, and ONT-GridION. These sequencing platforms provide massively parallel sequencing experiments on various applications starting from targeted sequencing and metagenomics to whole-genome sequencing. The sequencing unit's mission is to conduct state-of-the-art research in genomics, with a focus on the genomics of local habitats and infectious pathogens. The team specializes in the design and development of protocols that offer rapid and accurate identification and characterization of any pathogen of interest. In complementation with other facilities in the center, we were successfully able to isolate, sequence, and characterize viruses from different origins to serve both research and diagnostic purposes. As we are keen to improve infectious disease research in Qatar, the sequencing unit has extended its services to benefit other researchers at Qatar University, Hamad Medical Corporation, and the Ministry of Municipality and Environment. During the COVID-19 pandemic, the sequencing team has led the national efforts to sequence SARS-CoV-2 and has so far sequenced more than 8000 samples. The team has offered outstanding efforts to strengthen the national efforts to control the introduction and spread of SARS-CoV-2 variants by sharing the sequencing data with local authorities and public databases. The team is actively involved in the development of new techniques for whole bacterial genome sequencing, virus genotyping, and metagenomics. in addition to many other massively parallel genetic assays. We also support other researchers through offering consultations on experiment design including sample preparation, library construction, quality check, and analysis of generated sequencing data.

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    • Location: D138
    • PI: BRC
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    The MiSeq System

    The MiSeq System offers the first DNA-to-data sequencing platform integrating cluster generation, amplification, sequencing, and data analysis into a single instrument. The MiSeq System leverages Illumina sequencing by synthesis (SBS) chemistry, a proven next-generation sequencing (NGS) technology responsible for generating more than 90% of the world's sequencing data. the MiSeq System is the ideal platform for rapid and cost-effective genetic analysis.

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    • Location: D138
    • PI: BRC
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    OXFORD Nanoporetechology (MinION & GridION)

    The new generation of sensing technology that uses nanopores - nano-scale holes - embedded in high-tech electronics, to perform precise molecular analyses. The only sequencing technology to combine scalability from portable to ultra-high throughput formats with real-time data delivery and the ability to elucidate accurate, rich biological data through the analysis of short to ultra-long fragments of native DNA or RNA. The sensing platform has the potential to be adapted for the analysis of other types of molecules, for example proteins.

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    Biomic V3

    BIOMIC V3 is an open system utilizing digital imaging to automate the reading and CLSI/EUCAST interpretation of clinical microbiology tests and QC from various manufacturers. Systems are customized with optional modules including Broth Microdilution, Disk Diffusion, MIC Strip, Organism ID, Colony Count, Agar Dilution and Urine Screen.

    BIOMIC V3 provides a digital record of test results and high resolution images.

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    • Location: D138
    • PI: BRC
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    Autoclave Autester ST dry PV III (J. P.Selecta)

    The autoclave Complies with current regulations for pressure vessels and safety standards. It has also a Control panel with temperature and pressure indicator, current program parameters, graphical representation of the process in real time. It can be fully configurable 9 programs.

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    Omega plate reader

    The FLUOstar® Omega is a multi-mode microplate reader with six detection modes. It utilizes an ultra-fast UV/vis spectrometer or filters for absorbance as well as highly sensitive filters for all other detection modes. The FLUOstar Omega is the ideal plate reader for life science applications

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    • Location: D138
    • PI: BRC
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    Octet® RED96e System

    From screening biologics candidates to uncovering new insights into biophysics and cellular signaling, Octet RED96e system uses a Bio-Layer Interferometry (BLI) to measure binding interactions of small molecules, proteins, antibodies, and even cells, determine specificity, calculate titer, characterize affinity, and more. Assays can be performed over a wider temperature range of 15-40°C on the Octet RED96e system, allowing for kinetics measurement of unstable proteins at lower temperatures, or biologically relevant molecules at physiological temperatures.

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    • Location: D127
    • PI: BRC
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    Optima™ XE Ultracentrifuge

    The Large touch-screen display displays more data. Easy to read and navigate. Viewable from across the lab. Energy efficient, Regenerative braking returns energy to local circuit reducing utility costs. Highly efficient thermoelectric cooling results in lower power consumption. Uses the same amount of power as a 60-watt light bulb while idling.

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    • Location: D136
    • PI: BRC
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    Milli-Q® Ultrapure Water Solutions | Type 1

    Milli-Q® systems offer a unique combination of optimized water purification and monitoring technologies. The selection of the proper ultrapure water system for your laboratory will depend on several parameters such as: feed water available, daily volume needs, monitoring requirements, certification levels expected and any other specific requirements you may have. Application Specialists are available to discuss and help you design the laboratory water system best adapted to your needs.

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    • Location: D137
    • PI: BRC
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    Stomacher 400 Circulator

    Stomacher 400 Circulator is blender for food microbiologists, used for easy and effective processing of multiple samples, without the risk of cross contamination and the digital control panel provides Simple control of processing features such as paddle speed and processing time, essential for consistent results.

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    • Location: D131
    • PI: BRC
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