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Research Team

OtabekDr. Otabek Ismailov – Project Investigator (PI) is a post-doctoral researcher at Qatar University College of Law, Center for Law and Development. He earned his PhD in Law degree from the University of Ottawa (Canada), where he also worked as a research assistant in the field of International Trade and Investment Law for more than 5 years. Dr. Ismailov also completed professional graduate program in International Development Studies at Nagoya University (Japan). Prior to joining Qatar University, Otabek Ismailov worked as a Business Law Lecturer at Stanford College of Business and Technology (Canada). He also gained rich experience in the legal practice by working as a legal officer at the Ministry of Justice of the Republic of Uzbekistan. Dr. Ismailov’s research interests mainly lie in the areas of international economic law (Int. Investment and Financial Law).

 Content Editor ‭[1]‬